Marigolds and silken holds


paying my dues to you.

How unfortunate it is that I’ve forgotten about my beloved blog.  I came back to post a secret page to get an opinion (more on that) and I was pleasantly surprised to find that some poor bastards have been consistently visiting my site.  I cant for the life of me think of what the fuck you’ve been looking at all these months, but I suppose I’ll let you in on what I’m up to.


I am getting kicked out of college. Out of Community College. I can not tell you the level of shame and regret that this brings me.  It ways upon my mind like a cart full of bricks with a horse on top squealing and jumping about like a horse that is taking a game of  “the floor is hot lava” too seriously.

If I didnt laugh I would cry.

But yeah so that is that and I cant actually do much about it, save sponging every last resource available to me for the time being.  However, that means that I will be here more.  Alot more.  I have some big plans coming up and I’m trying to get the ball rolling.  Here is what you can expect.

  • New website
  • New Look
  • Greater emphasis on pretty pictures
  • Regular Update

And I Don’t know, fuck it here are some pictures.  Some shitty fuck about pictures but I dont have anything good. that I can show anyone yet.

Dead site is dead.

oh crap, it is isnt it? I”m sorry about that.  I’ve been busy/on the verge of a metal collapse for a while, but that’s not important right now.

I’m going to dump some pictures. In case you didn’t know I’m going to be illustrating a webcomic with the wonderful Chris McAllister.  The link can be found here but dont look yet because its not up. well, it may be by the time you yourself click it, but me writing it it’s not. Shit, just click it and if nothings there, then I warned you.

I’m going to dump some pictures for your viewing pleasure. Just doodles among things.




Here is a little sample of the webcomic. Its just a sketch but I dont think it will go through any further.  So I guess you can consider this an exclusive.



Its amazing what the right combination of research, motivation and unprecedented amounts of apathy can accomplish.  I have come to arrange things that any person with a normal level of not really giving a fuck would only dream about.  Those dreams would be dreams of paralysis from the neck down.

I figured that I would dip my toe in the pool of responsibility to make sure the water wasn’t too “being an adult”.  I went and got some little potted planets thinking that I could probably handle this minimal amount of responsibility.  Honestly, pretty much all you have to remember is to empty bong in it every now and then not to eat the fucker.

It was a fun little experience, full of lots and lots of words. Words that mean things that would make you want to own plants.   Own like shit tons of plants.

Long story short I love showering with plants but there are awkward moments. Here is a picture of a crow and a…whale? or fish, I think?

These are pretty much here to take up space and make you feel you havent been cheated a picture.

Picture thinking.

Just throwing up some shit I found.


They arnt nesssicarily wrong, its just irrelevant


White people love cheese.

Woah man, that was quite a little break we took wasn’t it?  To be honest I changed the layout and couldn’t find the log in thing anymore (it was at the bottom) Anyway, I tried reclaim my blog and rename it because of that asshole Linda Silvestri©.  I got little sketched out Sketchy and put on her best Sunday dress so she could drive me to the liquor store, just like my daddy did when I was an ugly awkward little girl trying to get over that weird stage where everything reminds you of cats and curse words.  Anyway, let me tell you about as much of my morning as my motivation will allow.

I didnt feel like drawing child abuse today.

So right check it. I’m in my room.  I’m tired, I’m burnt out and I’m in some of the most tolerable pain I’ve ever felt. The golden rays of the first morning sun come slowing peering through the window on my limp naked body sprawled out over the pile of clothes on my floor.

I usually just hump it until I pass out.

I peer up and curse the new day, yet know that fighting it useless.  I take what few minutes of extra sleep I can and pick myself up off the floor.  Walking into the kitchen I gaze blankly at the fridge willing it open with a glance.  My sense of self preservation edges me closer like a soaped up gay pirate with his plank in his hand.

Soapy or horrible disfigured

The fridge is as empty as my stomach. Empty as my stomach in the sense that it contained nothing but unpassed cheese that was reaching the expiration date.

It wasnt until This arrangement That I realized that I fucking love cheese.

Fuck it. I love cheese. I grab me the biggest knife in the kitchen for the sake of starting the day with a dose of bad assity and cut me off a piece that would even make Danny Devito proud.

Kinda proud this took me all of 30 seconds

Sit down outside on the porch with my cheese coffee and cigarette.  Its starting to get chilly outside so I figure it would be better if I put some pants on. Don’t want the neighbor girl getting an inaccurate impression.

I think about cheese wheels, That shit , that shit is crazy.  A fucking wheel of cheese.  A wheel made out of cheese. I come up with two possible explanations for this then pleased with myself I go back inside.

I can feel it leaving.

aaaaand its gone. Good Night.

Man Climbs Rock.

I get addicted to these web comics so hard.  so hard. I hate it because it reminds me think of my check list of a contributing member of society things of which I have none. wait let me try that again. I contribute nothing.

This way people think "wash genitalia" has been completed.

So I think I’m going to try to do one of those comic strips, which I believe will be the mother of all not doing things good.  I’m bad at networking, I’m bad at procrastination, and sometimes I am absolutely horrible about giving the mildest of fucks when slightly inconvenient things are at hand.

made the consious desicion to deal with it when I have to leave.

But really though. My stylus was in there.

It may look the same but this one is completly different

We’ll see how it works out though. I may seem like I dont have a lot of confidence in myself but for every little doubt I got 12 inches of fuck that waiting to talk action.

You just dont hear about it because he dont talk. he just gets shit done.

I miss shark week.

Come to think of it I haven’t actually done shit in a while.  whatevas though. I kick ass at mouse drawing. I’m happy.

picture book are foor people who and the time.

Im just ging to idea chat  a little but about shit. so long as I can keep my the cats offo tehte mooner,  sleepy me ckatcaier is nrno like ejj freasd ji mex

That was a saved draft on my account.  I dont really have anything more to save on the matter.

Here are some doodles, just fucking go crazy.

deaths a Reverse Necro

My bible is 4 words long.

I think, I think, I dont know what I think.


Apologies to anyone fooled by the best picture ever.  If it means anything to you, I laughed so hard.

A wise man spoke to me and said, “Kc, you should just throw some shit up there.”  I know what gold sounds like and that sounded like some solid advice to me.  Despite being about 90% sure he was talking about the spiders dangling ominously above the handicap stall,  I decided I would take the lessons of wisdom offered by that man and try to put the horrible time spent with him in that restroom behind me.

So I suppose I will be posting new small things up periodically, most likely stupid shit accomplished each of my remaining days.

I suppose this would be the first shitty picture.

Sorry for the lack of quality I’m just to tired to give a fuck right now.

Literally the best picture I have ever drawn.

The worst part  about this whole blog are the stories, or the stories that teach you there are things you shouldn’t say in order to maintain a friendship with someone. Man. I. got. so. many.

I made one really really good one for you.

I’ve been going on a good long continuous loop of unusual parties and scientific research for a couple of good long continuous loop going of scientific parties and unusual research for a couple of good long continuous loop of research parties going and unusual science.  The whole thing kinda felt like that sentence and if you gave up on reading it shame on you because I haven’t stopped yet.

Holy shit you found me!

I have a good story, a wonderful story, a wonderfully bouncy, warm story! Except I cant tell it because there are people that shouldn’t hear it.

I will tell you a secret just because you found out.

I have a sad story, an amazingly depressing, a soul that will touch your soul with hands as cold as women’s heart story.  Except I cant tell it because I question the ethics and legality of it all, and there are people that shouldn’t hear it.

I’m very proud of you, you know? Damn dude who’da thunk?

I have a wicked story, oh so metal, badass, fist pumping, sprained ankle story. Except I cant tell it because I don’t think I could keep from exaggerating the metalness,  and that would be a shame. Also I question the ethics and legality of it all, and there are people that shouldn’t hear it.

I might of or might not of banged a stripper the other night.

I have a just fucked up story, a confusing, mind numbingly painful story. One that will make you question your motives being buying a microscope Except I cant tell it because I’ve been working very hard to repress that memory and I will not undo all that work for your fucking enjoyment.  Also I know exactly how far away the ethics and legality is at this point, and there are people that I really really want to hear it.

For real. A fucking stripper. It was everything I thought it would be. Including the daddy issues.

yes, it was that bad.

But eh, you didn’t need to know any of this.  Honestly I just want to type because it trips me the fuck out.  Whenever you get a little to tipsy late at night and you sit down to write me an email about all the things you want to do to me but would never say in the light of day, just look at your hands. watch them for a minute.

I’m not really saying that I did do it or anything, it just might of coulda maybe happened all night long .

I know right?!?!? How tha fuck do they do that? you just think a word and your hands start to fucking loose there shit all over the keyboard and your just like “Yo! Fucking chill o-oh shit. Aight yeah. thats good. just keep doing that shit.”

You may not think this is funny, but I'm laughing pretty hard.

Anyway, I just wanted to throw a little sump’n up to see who’s checking when I don’t shit links all over the internet.  oh and no pictures, but if you believe that bullshit (pictured above) bless your heart.

but for real. It was sweet.

My computer died, and I hacked the shit outa my charger with a razor in-between classes.  I was gonna keep this short so you didnt need pictures but, I mean, you know. Fucking Typing.